Pinyin Rules

Pinyin Writer was designed to put the tone mark on the correct vowel!

Pinyin rules are as follows:

  1. The tone mark is place on the vowel.
  2. If there are two vowels, the tone mark is place on the earlier vowel in the following sequence:
    a  o  e  i  u  ü

For example: for hao, the tone would be placed in the a.  For yue, the tone would be placed on the e, because the e is earlier in the sequence than the u. For Xiao, the tone would be placed on the a, because a comes before i and o in the sequence. For fei, the tone would be placed on the e because e comes before i in the sequence.

3. Exceptions: when i and u appear as a pair of vowels, the tone mark is placed on the last vowel. For example: for iu, the tone would be placed on the u.  For ui, the tone would be placed on the i.